TirthaYoga :: Yoga and Sports
Yoga and Sports

Through my years of experience I have realized that yoga is indispensable in any professional sportsperson life. Most people indulge in a sporting event for the pleasure of it and also as a means of achieving fitness to shape up their body and tone up their muscles and feel invigorated. For these people it is a kind of mental relaxation. But the scenario is different for those who consider it as a profession. Herein enters the idea of competition and the lure of money. When a particular form of game or physical activity turns into a career, the prolong stress and strain can damage the body.

It is therefore, important to find solutions to the changing scene of sports today. It is essential that the sportsperson includes recreation in daily life. Yoga is an ideal method for protecting the mind and body of an athlete. For a professional athlete Yoga and meditation can be an invaluable means of reaching and maintaining the peak of physical and mental strength.

It is therefore, important to find solutions to the changing scene of sports today. It is essential that the sportsperson includes recreation in daily life. Yoga is an ideal method for protecting the mind and body of an athlete. For a professional athlete Yoga and meditation can be an invaluable means of reaching and maintaining the peak of physical and mental strength.

If activities involving body movements are done without mental tension, stress relief results. However, as sport is becoming more and more professionalized, a sportsperson can suffer stress greater than, for example, an executive. The latter uses physical activity.

to remove physiological and physiological stress . In the case of professional sportsperson , the right approach is to use yoga to relieve stress on the body and mind.

One prime concern is that most sporting activities rely on usage of one part of the body, and this creates asymmetry and overuse of that part.

Recent years have also witnessed a larger number of women entering the arena of sports.

By pushing their bodies to the limits of training , women face grave dangers to their delicate physiology which, in the long run, can harm genetic material. A sportsperson needs four basic qualities: speed, endurance, strength and stamina. A fifth aspect can be derived from the lines of Patanjali, mental fortitude. This is not purely a physiological phenomenon, but a complex interplay of the mind and the body. Pranayam builds up endurance (both mental and physiological ), courage, vital strength due rejuvenation of the nervous system, and skill due to a serene mind. All the systems benefit from Pranayam.

The vital strength of the cardiac and respiratory systems are improved by pranayam. Any sportsperson who has to move about constantly will benefit --- in hockey, football, boxing, swimming, golf, cycling, skiing, and rowing. A certain level of quietitude is required in events like archery, shooting and golf. Steadiness of the nerves is essential for skill in these events and pranayam, by quieting the organs of perception, provides a withdrawal. This stabilizes the electrical function of the nerves. The daily life of the professional sportsperson calls for systematization of the time of training and regularization in the intake of a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates and fat. Depending on the type of sport, the training routine varies and the type of side effects on the body also varies. Studies have been done on the metabolic, skeletal, muscular, cardiac and pulmonary changes following training.

Below mentioned are a few common sports and games whose players can benefit through our website. Also there will be a section for executive people and people from the cultural world.

  1. Under Yoga and Sports we have

    Running, All kind of Jumps, All types of throws & Cycling

  2. Under Yoga and Games we have

    Cricket, Football, Tennis, Martial Art, Boxing, Wrestling, Archery, Shooting, Squash, Golf, Hockey, Weight lifting, Gymnastics. Swimming, Rowing

  3. Yoga for Dancers.
  4. Singers and Musicians.
  5. Yoga for Executives.
  6. Yoga can be real fun for Children.
  7. Yoga for pregnant Woman.